
With the Crossword widget, you can easily create a simple word game that the end user can play to find the right word by its definition.

Creating a crossword is very simple: just drag it from the Objects panel to the stage, place it on the page, and double-click on the widget to edit it: to add a word and the corresponding definition, just click the “+” button at the bottom-left of the window.



Crossword widget supports most of the Generic Object Properties, plus the ones listed below. To edit properties of a Crossword widget, select it and use the selection inspector at the right of your project window.

Legend Position One between Left or Right, defines the position of the legend in relation to the board
Cell Text ▹ Font Defines the font to use to display the letter in each cell
Cell Text ▹ Size Defines the font size, in pixels, to use to display the letter in each cell
Cell Text ▹ Color Defines the color to display the letter in each cell
Cell Appearance ▹ Size Defines the size in pixels for each cell
Cell Appearance ▹ Correct Background Color Defines the color of the cells when the correct letter was entered
Cell Appearance ▹ Background Color Defines the color of the cells when no or wrong letter was entered
Cell Appearance ▹ Empty Cell Background Color Defines the color of empty cells
Cell Appearance ▹ Empty Cell Border Color Defines the color of the border of the empty cells
Assessment ▹ Assessment ID Optional, allows to set an assessments identifier for this widget, enabling statistics collection by Shelf or LMS systems
Assessment ▹ Assessment Category Optional, allows to set an assessments category for this widget, enabling statistics collection by Shelf or LMS systems


Crossword triggers all Widget Events, plus the ones listed below. To edit event handlers for a Memory Game, select it and use the Interactivity Panel on the right side of the project window.


The user entered a letter in a cell.


The user entered all the letters in the correct position.


The widget has been reset using the Reset action


Crossword widget can be used as target of most Generic Actions, plus the ones listed below.

Reset Crossword

Removes all letters from the cells to allow to enter them again from scratch.