Error codes regarding project loading

If an error occurs while opening a project file, this list of error codes may help you to unerstand what’s going on. If you think your file is corrupted, please contact PubCoder support or read the next section to try to fix it yourself.

1 error opening XML project file
3 error parsing XML project file: XML contains invalid data, probably simply some invalid character that was pasted in the project and needs to be fixed
1000, 1002, 1003 error restoring project from XML data: project contains invalid data or data that is unknown to PubCoder, e.g. file may have been saved with a newer version of PubCoder
1101 error decompressing project zip file
1102 error creating sqlite assets databas
1103 error opening sqlite assets database
1104 error updating sqlite assets databas
1105 error accessing project zip file – probably PubCoder does not have access to the file, e.g. if using a Mac, try opening the file from the Finder by double-clicking it or dragging it over the PubCoder app icon

Fixing project file errors

First, before you continue, make sure to work only on a backup copy of your project file to avoid corrupting it even further.

PubCoder project files use extension .pubcoder and are actually compressed ZIP archives containing all the project assets and some data files, namely an XML project file which contains the project structure and data, and a SQLite database file containing informations about assets.

So, to try to fix issues, start off by replacing the .pubcoder extension with .zip and unzip the file using some software (you can try with Windows Explorer itself or The Unarchiver on a Mac, for example). If you were experiencing a error 1101 and you are lucky enough, you will succeed in decompressing the file: just recompress the folder again and change the extension of the ZIP file back to .pubcoder and you may succeed in recovering all or most of your project file.

If you are experiencing a error 3, find the project.xml file and try using xmllint or some other software to find and fix the issue with the XML file, then compress the folder again and change the extension of the ZIP file back to .pubcoder