Import a PDF file
PubCoder features a PDF import functionality that allows you to start a new project by importing a PDF file. This will result in a new project in which every page contains a rasterized (image) version of the corresponding PDF file. You can then add interactivity by adding objects on top of the page (e.g. videos, image galleries and so on) and export the project using all of the supported export formats.
Start by creating a new project (File → New Project) and choose to Start from a PDF file. You will be asked to select a few files to import: you can add them dropping them on the files area or clicking the + button, then you can adjust their import order dragging them.
Next, PubCoder will present the import settings panel:
You may be fine with the default settings and just need to click Next to actually start the import process, which will go on without further intervention by the user.
Detailed descriptions for each settings follows.
Page Range
Choose if importing the whole document or a range of pages only
Allows to control the size of the rasterized image for each page; you can stick with the original size of the document or resize it proportionally to improve quality.
Pixels Density for Rasterized Images
This setting allows you to increase the resolution of the rasterized images in order to support high-resolution displays and to allow scaling up without pixelating images. The default setting is 3x.
Enable Text Search
Checking this option will result in PubCoder creating a hidden text object in each page containing text found on that page. This will allow the content to be searchable when exporting it.
Export Preview to PDF file
PubCoder allows you to export a preview of a page or of your entire project to a PDF file, without any interactivity. To export a preview to PDF, open your project then use menu File → Export Page Preview as PDF or File → Export Project Preview as PDF.
PubCoder will generate a preview of the current page or of the entire project, then will generate a PDF and finally will ask where to save the PDF file. When exporting the project, you can eventually use the export menu at the top-left of your project window to restrict the export to a subset of the pages instead of exporting the whole project.